Kids Of 88′s Sam McCarthy – HuffPost 3.31.11

Mike Ragogna: Maybe it’s a bit premature to ask this, but what advice do you have for new artists?

Sam McCarthy: Oh, goodness gracious, I don’t know if I feel in the position to offer advice because I’m seeking it out at the moment. I suppose it’s always just trying to refresh yourself. Whether it’s your perspective on things, you know, if you’re jaded about something or upset about what’s going on, you always have to be positive. You’ve always got to kind of refresh what’s going on in regards to your skill, you need to keep on working and never settle for anything. You always have to better what’s going on. Even with songwriting, it’s always try to develop and move. At the end of the day, it’s so you don’t stand still. It is a developing act, I mean that in every sense of the word.

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