Kenny G – HuffPost 7.20.12

Mike Ragogna: Do you have any advice for new artists trying to pursue a career in music?

Kenny G: Well, I would say that that depends on where they are in their career. If they’re a new artist that wants to make an album, or a new artist that has already made one, there’s very different advice. I would say if you want to make an album and are trying to get a record deal, I can tell you now that the concept of that has become really tricky these days; it’s not easy. But the main thing is to practice and play the music that you enjoy. I guess that advice also applies to the group who may have already made albums. Do what you feel is true to you, don’t do something because you think it’s going to sell. Be your own voice, and that should take you where you’re supposed to go.

MR: And that’s what you did?

KG: That is what I did, I got lucky. I was lucky that my voice seemed to resonate with a lot of people, and that I was doing it at a time when getting national exposure wasn’t as hard as it is right now. I also had Clive Davis in my corner getting people to play my music. But the key to it all was doing what I felt was true to me. If you’re trying to do music like me and it’s not true to you, I can guarantee you’re probably not going to have a very good career. I mean I like traditional jazz, but if I were to make a traditional jazz album, it wouldn’t sound anything like the ones that were made by Charlie Parker. I would make a jazz record that was totally different; it would have my signature vibe on it. Who knows? I may even do that someday.