Katey Sagal – HuffPost 10.30.13

Mike Ragogna: Hey, what advice do you have for new artists?

Katey Sagal: Well, I could speak about my children. They’re all in the arts and my son is an incredible musician, so I tell him all the time, just write, don’t censor yourself, enjoy it, and practice. The thing about show business that it does so well, I find, is that it makes it look very fun and easy. That is the job of it, to entertain and to not feel laborious. The truth is that there is a lot of hard work behind that relaxed front. You have to work hard; it doesn’t come easy to the artist. You want to put your best foot forward. If you’re a writer, you have to write all the time and if you’re a player, you have to play and you have to play all the time. I don’t care if that’s in your room or wherever. I come from a background of this sort of business. I just watched my dad and he worked very, very hard, so I think that’s important. My advice would be practice.