Kaki King – HuffPost 11.5.12

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Kaki King: Do what you need to do. I’ve found that, like anything else that is sold in this world, word of mouth is the best advertisement. If you make really good music and share it with some good people–and there are so many ways to share music–it has a life of its own. So it’s not about making it, getting famous, or being able to not have a day job. There are plenty of people in really good bands that you might not believe have a day job, but they do. It’s really about being an artist, taking what you do really seriously, loving it, and focusing on that, and not worrying about a lot of the other stuff like how cool your shoes are. Anyone can get a haircut or buy nice shoes, but making real art is the hard part.

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