Julian Velard – HuffPost 1.13.12

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Julian Velard: Do something crazy. Mainstream music is all but gone and all that’s left are niches. Your chance for success is just as great if you’re Nickelback or Weird Al. And make sure you love it, ’cause in the end, that’s all you can count on.

MR: Do you see an eventual return to the classic singer-songwriter approach to recording?

JV: In pop music? I don’t know. The future looks pretty strange and unpredictable. The other night, I dreamed Twitter started limiting songs to 140 characters. I’m happy to carry the torch ’til the good old days return, and keep my fingers crossed all the while.

MR: Any parting words of wisdom?

JV: Be like Mike: Tyson, Jordan, Jackson. And Go Knicks!

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