Joe Walsh – HuffPost 5.23.12

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Joe Walsh: Well, I would say — and I’ve always said — you cannot be a legend in your parents’ garage. You’ve got to go play in front of people, even if you stink. You’ve got to go do it and learn how to do that because that’s as much of a part of being a good musician as the music. You’ve got to go play for free. You’ve just got to get out and play in front of people. And if you do that, the rest will take care of itself. It’s a new world. There’s the Internet now. There’s no more record companies. I would like to give people some advice, but I’m wondering what to do myself!

MR: (laughs) You’re an Eagle!

JW: You get on there and you make your presence known. If you can just make people know that you have music, they’ll find it, and there are ways to do that with the social networks and stuff. I’m just learning it, but it’s a whole new game than when I was young, so every man for himself, kind of!

MR: Are you enjoying it still?

JW: Oh, yeah. I’m having a great time, I really am. I never thought about being this age. I’m still this kid in this body that’s starting to slow down, but I’m not done yet, and like I say, I’m really positive and confident, and I’ve got everything that I’ve learned over the years to use as tools and I got a lot more music to make.

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