November 13, 2011

Joe Walsh of the Eagles – HuffPost 11.13.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Joe Walsh: All I can say is you’ve got to, at some point, get out and play in front of people. You’ve got to put in your 10,000 hours doing that; you can’t be a legend in your parents’ garage. You’ve got to get out and play in front of people, and you may suck, but that’s part of it. You learn how to do it in front of people, and you can improve your craft and the word gets out. You play for nothing at first, and if nobody comes, that’s OK. You get out and you play, and you start from there. It never gets worse than that, it only gets better. All of us, that’s what we did; we played in front of people, and when we weren’t on stage, we were playing guitar with each other, helping each other write songs. That is what I would say to young people now. Get visible on the Internet, and play live. That’s the only chance you got, the way I see it.

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