Jeff Lorber – HuffPost 9.27.13

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Jeff Lorber: Or for students or aspiring artists perhaps? I used to actually be less encouraging because the music business is very competitive and it’s tough. You have to really love it and work very hard to succeed, so I used to think that if somebody’s getting into this, they shouldn’t do it unless they’re really sure they have a talent. But nowadays, there are so many people studying for different kinds of professions that have disappeared from the marketplace. I think music is as good as anything. If you love music, there are a lot of places to earn money making music nowadays with video games, TV, film, records too to some extent, although I think the recorded music model is on the way out. Basically, it’s just one of those things where if you love it, and if you’re ready to dedicate yourself to practice and learn and really focus yourself to figure out how you’re going to find your little niche, I would recommend it.

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