Jeff Lorber – HuffPost 1.18.12

Mike Ragogna: Jeff, do you have any advice that you’d like to share with new artists?

Jeff Lorber: I used to halfway tell people that they should really want to pursue a life in the music business because it’s a really tough business, which it is. But now with the economy being in the shape that it’s in, I think the music industry starts to look better than it used to because at least if you’re really good at it, passionate about it and willing to put the effort in that it takes to excel, you’ve got about as good a chance at making it in the music business as you do in any other field. But it takes a lot of passion, work, and practice. Another thing to consider is the fact that there are a lot of jobs in the music industry in general — there are jobs for executives, engineers, recording artists. Then you have film and TV where there are areas of a lot of work for engineers and producers and writers. It’s a big industry with a lot of levels, so if somebody loves it, I think they should go for it.

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