November 18, 2010

Jason Mraz – HuffPost 11.18.10

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Jason Mraz: Be yourself. The world wants more of who you are. Who you are, by yourself, and then you following your bliss and your true individuality is going to gravitate eyeballs and ears to you. You’re going to attract an audience because you’re having such a great time being you that people are going to admire that and want that. You’re going to be offering them a sweet wine of love, spirituality, bliss, and whatever your message is that you’re expressing. I say that so that if you see a band you like or song you like, don’t necessarily emulate it entirely because you think that’s what the world likes right now. It’s all shifting and changing because individuals show up. So, if you’re a new artist, be yourself and be an individual. If you’re looking to get into the business, create the business around you. People aren’t going to come knocking on your door, and record companies aren’t looking for singers to put in a band–they’re looking for artists who are doing the work, and they’re going to want to get involved with you. So, find a local coffee shop, a street corner, a YouTube channel, basically any outlet for your expression, and just be yourself. Have a great time doing it, and odds are an audience will envelope you.

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