Jackie Greene – HuffPost 6.29.10

[Note: Here is a snippet form my interview with Jackie Green that might contain useful information for new artists.]

Mike Ragogna: What’s your approach when you go into the studio and make your records? Is it basically just fleshing out your songs, or do you have a clear concept of your sound and what your album should be from the beginning?

Jackie Greene: Well, I guess it’s a little push and pull of both of those things. It would be one thing if it were more of a science experiment in that, all the albums were made in the same place with the same people, but they’re not. So the consistency part, I think, is just me and the way I do things. I guess it’s pretty normal, it is me making the record after all.

There are definitely some songs that I would have more of a clear concept of what they should sound like, what they should feel like. But, having said that, I’ve always been really, really open to seeing what happens to a song after we put it under a microscope in the studio and have at it. It’s a little bit of both, like I said, it’s sort of a push and pull thing. I might be pulling one way for this song and then it really wants to go another way, so I have to give in to the song because I feel like a lot of them know what they want, the songs themselves. They usually win.

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