honeyhoney – HuffPost 12.23.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice would you have for new artists?

Suzanne Santo : Well, I would say always when moving forward with your music and it does become a career and there’s business involved and contracts and legal forms, make sure you cover all of your bases. Do as much research as you can and be as informed as you can of the ins and outs of that part of the business. People don’t really do that for you and it’s good to be on top of your game and it’s your career. You don’t want someone dictating your future finances before they’ve started. I would say do it yourself.

Ben Jaffe: Can I add to that Suzanne?

SS: Sure.

BJ: It’s not just about the business too. Never be scared to know more than you know. I think a lot of people, including myself, are very stubborn about not knowing more and not learning more than they know. Usually, because of some sort of fear or being uncomfortable, I want to keep learning more and I think that’s the only reason I continue to play music with other people and actually make a living at it.

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