Graham Stookey – HuffPost 5.25.11

Mike Ragogna: Being a new artist, do you have any advice for new artists?

Graham Stookey: Wow. What advice would I give myself? I would say stamina. In the four months that I’m kind of getting into this, it’s 95% business and 5% playing my guitar. It takes a lot of stamina and a lot of perseverance, and you have to put in a lot of work that has nothing to do with your song or writing music, and everything to do with the business side of it. So, you really have to be willing to go through all of those motions so someday, you can play on stage for people. That’s what keeps me going. Sometimes, I think it’s stupid and it’s not what I signed up for, but my advice is stick with it. Man up, take it, keep your eye on the bright side, and look at the goal.

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