Graham Colton – HuffPost 7.22.11

Mike Ragogna: Graham, what advice do you have for new artists?

Graham Colton: Well, now, I think there’s more opportunity out there to be heard than ever before, and I have to take my own advice and say that the key is just getting stuff out there. Regardless of how it gets out there and how it sounds, if it’s good, people will hear it. That’s certainly what I try to live by, even with my own material. I also feel that in this day and age, people want transparency–everything doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, now is the perfect time for things not to be so perfect. I think people really want that. So, I would say for anyone starting out that there’s a big world out there with the internet making things so easy, use it to your advantage.

MR: And you’ve been doing that, haven’t you?

GC: Yeah, I really have. You certainly want to do it in the right way, you know? But as long as you put the music first, I don’t think you can go wrong with putting as much stuff out there as possible and letting people form their own opinions about it. I really want my work to be about quality over quantity. I’ve been very, very fortunate.

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