Gloriana’s Mike Gossin – HuffPost 8.3.12

Mike Ragogna: What is your advice for new artists?

Mike Gossin: New artists. Gosh, that’s a good question. I am trying to make it a good one. I would say make sure you surround yourself with not only good business people, but people that you can trust, people that have a good certification, a past history in the business, because the music business is tough, man. You can get yourself in some situations where you sign your name on the dotted line, you know, six months later you go, “Ugh, I wish I didn’t do that.” You’ve got to be sure about the people you surround yourself with. Number two, never give up. Like I said, we fought and fought and fought and…(it was) blood, sweat and tears to get where we are today. We’re very proud of that. We’re strong believers in hard work. If you really chase that dream, I know a lot of people say that’s cheesy, but really, if you really chase that dream, you honestly believe you can do it, it is possible. It definitely is possible.

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