July 16, 2014

Geneviève Bellemare’s Live And Die Debuts August 5th



Verve Records is set to release Geneviève Bellemare’s debut EP Live And Die on August 5. Bellemare collaborated over a 10-month period of time writing with well known producers Mitchell Froom (Paul McCartney, Crowded House) and Tony Berg (Lucius, Nicklecreek). Listen to the premiere of the title track “Live And Die” via The Huffington Post.

Berg said of working with Bellmare, “Geneviève approaches writing—and music, in general—from a uniquely spontaneous and soulful place. She has an unerring sense of what feels right for her, so collaborating is strangely (and often hilariously) devoid of indecision. She says ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and that confidence informs everything she does. It’s refreshing to meet someone whose melodic and lyrical instincts are so completely her own.” Froom says “I found Geneviève to have a distinctive point of view as an artist. As a singer, she has a depth of feeling that belies her age. Not exactly a soul singer, just absolutely real and soulful. As a writer of melodies and lyrics, she usually finds a unique melodic way into a song. In writing with her, I was constantly surprised with what she came up with (and how much I liked it!). All in all, everything I look for in a collaboration.”

The French Canadian born Bellemare has told the Eugene Weekly that she grew up with “church music all the time” until her older brother introduced her to the classic sounds of mid-seventies FM radio artists. She was also introduced to jazz by her mother and began to hunger for more. After settling in Oregon, at age seventeen Bellemare won a “Next Big Thing Eugene” contest and formed the band Voodoun Moi. Local music director, Brandon Lieberman at KBOO in Portland said of the band, “If I could have only called a broker to buy stock in Genevieve, I would have immediately grabbed all the shares I could!”

Bellemare moved to Los Angeles to work on new solo based material. She has said, “the writing process for nearly all of her songs is the same.” After going through drum loops with the producer, Bellemare says, “I go into the booth and I record a bunch of mumbles and shrieks…then I go back into the room with the producer and we pull out things we like.”

1. Live And Die
2. Hiding Space
3. Riddle
4. The Way

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