Gavin DeGraw – HuffPost 7.8.11

Mike Ragogna: You know, I usually ask this at the end of interviews, but let me ask you right now: what is your advice for new artists?

Gavin DeGraw: My advice is to accept the environment for what it is, and get into if for the right reasons. Then, you’ll be able to deal with it. If you get into it for the wrong reasons, then you won’t be able to put up with some of the things that you can’t change. The fact is, the things you’re making to have the opportunity of having your dream job will satisfy the curiosity of, “Wow, I wonder if I can do this or not?” It’s worth it, and to me, the curiosity always outweighs just about everything because I just want to see if I can. I just can’t help that about myself. I’m the guy who puts his finger in the cigar cutter just to see if I can pull it out before it gets cut off.

MR: Dude, you’re scaring me.

GD: I know. One of these days I’m going to show up with half a hand.