Four Year Strong’s Alan Day – HuffPost 1.23.12

Mike Ragogna: Do you have any advice that you would give to newer artists?

Alan Day: My advice has always been to just get out there and show the world what you’ve got, you know? It’s so easy these days to create a website and record a record in Garage Band and just do it all from home. You can go on the Internet and get so many hits online and people will actually see you and hear your music. The best way, though, is to physically get out there and loose some money. Take money out of your pocket, invest in a tank of gas and go play a gig a couple of States away, even if it’s to nobody. Everyone I know that is huge and successful kind of started like that. That’s the nature of this business at the start. Eventually, once you’ve established yourself as an artist, you appreciate all of that so much more.

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