Fountains of Wayne’s Adam Schlesinger & Chris Collingwood – HuffPost 8.1.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you guys have for new artists?

Chris Collingwood: I have no idea, really. I mean, the way our career played out seemed like a series of accidents. Honestly, I wouldn’t advise anybody to get into this industry now. (laughs) There’s no money in it. Doing what your mom told you and going to law school is the best option. (laughs) I honestly just don’t know. Try getting one of your songs in an iPod commercial and you’ll pretty much be guaranteed a long career.

Adam Schlesinger: Yeah, that’s a really tough question, especially right now because the industry is so different from when we started. One simple lesson I’ve learned is that no one really cares as much about what you’re doing as you do. So, if you’re really psyched about what you’re working on, you have to get up every day and make something happen every day. I think most artists I know that are successful are able to switch hats from being an artist to being something of a businessman as well. There’s always at least one guy in the band who has a business man’s personality.


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