My Forlorn Wallet’s Cory Mon & Wes Kirkpatrick – HuffPost 4.12.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Cory Mon: Patience, time, it all takes time. I tell myself this daily and imagine that I will continue to tell myself this from here on out. There are ebbs and flows, and dry spells and high times as an artist, and I try to embrace both. Understanding, embracing this fact is my only road to sanity.

Wes Kirkpatrick: I think the main thing I would say is just to keep plugging away. There are definitely times where things are rough, everything feels like it’s going against you and you want to give up, but if you stay focused on the music and the bigger picture it will definitely help. There will always be dry spells. The key is to be patient and just fight through them however you can. Keep writing, keep playing and just try to enjoy the fun parts of being a musician to get through the tough times.

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