The Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne – HuffPost 10.24.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Wayne Coyne: The music business is changing a lot, so depending on musicians you admire and which ones you feel like you want to be like, I would say for the world of music and people who are allowed to make it and live in that world, I think it’s working for the better. It’s becoming a place that’s not about fame, it’s becoming a place that’s not about money. It’s about a place where people who really love music and if you’re like me–obsessed with music and ideas and creating–if you’re lucky, you can get to do that for a living. A lot of people are driven by other things. My advice is if you don’t live, breath, and love music, do something else. I don’t think it would satisfy you if you wanted to get into fame and all of these other things that were connected to it before. That’s just me. To me, the idea of being creative and doing that for your life, as opposed to doing some traditional job…to me, that’s the miracle of my life.

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