Dweezil Zappa – HuffPost 7.13.10

[Note: This is an excerpt from my interview with Dweezil Zappa that touches on pushing the envelope within creativity.]

Mike Ragogna: What’s great is that everybody in your family has always been about experimentation and pushing the envelope…

Dweezil Zzppa: The thing is, I can appreciate the production elements for a lot of that kind of stuff, and I know that there’s space for any kind of music for entertainment of people. But the problem is you don’t see any balance. It wouldn’t be so bad if all that stuff existed and you had space for other things that were more creative and experimental. When you’re only inundated with the one thing that seems to be so homogenized and hackneyed, that’s why it feels so uncomfortable if you’re the type of person that’s seeking something else. There’s really no balance…the authentic version of rock ‘n’ roll rebellion doesn’t really exist anymore. Now it’s just a pretend act, everyone’s dressing the part but no one wants to speak the truth because they’re going to lose their job.

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