Doug Stanhope – HuffPost 10.24.12

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new comedians?

Doug Stanhope: Don’t suck. Gosh, I think of how many times I’ve said, “Stick with it.” Write a lot. Ask yourself how many times people have told you you’re funny in general. If you’re not funny…that’s the thing. I would have told Dane Cook to quit. If I saw Dane Cook doing what he was doing for the first time and he asked for advice, I’d go, “Sell shoes. That’s not funny. It’s not funny to me.” So, my advice is worthless. If you enjoy doing it, do it. Enjoy your day. If you’re enjoying your day, if you’re having fun, who cares. Just do that. If you’re funny, people will find you.

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