Derek Trucks – HuffPost 8.28.13

Mike Ragogna: Here comes that traditional question for I have a traditional question for the third time. What advice do you have for new artists?

Derek Trucks: It’s probably the same every time for me, but it’s just listening, you know? Just listen to as much real music as you can. There’s so much stuff out there, I’m discovering stuff still to this day that was done forty, fifty, sixty years ago that is life changing. It’s amazing how much great work has been done. I feel like when you’re really moved by something and you really dig into something, it enhances what you do and it reinforces the things you believe in about music and the things that make it special and powerful. I think it’s important–just always follow whatever’s moving you and keep your ears open. The other end of that is the cliché–and I don’t even know if it still works this way–getting out and playing. Paying your dues that way. There’s no substitute for real-world experience. You’ve got to get out there and do it. I’ve noticed even with myself, after years of doing it, certain things that are second nature now. It only comes from playing constantly and constantly being around people. I noticed just being on the road, if I’m out for a month or two, your road chops get to a point where things that were almost impossible to play a month ago you just do without thinking. So the more you do it, and I think there’s no substitute for the energy you put into it, whether it’s listening or playing, or if you can do both. You really have to get bit with that bug and have the disease where it’s all you think about.

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