David Nail – HuffPost 10.2.13

Mike Ragogna: David, what advice do you have for new artists?

David Nail: Get your college degree first and foremost, it’ll alleviate a lot of stress from you when things aren’t going good. That’s the biggest regret that I have, and I think the biggest thing for me is that I sang for hours and hours and hours in an empty apartment and I think that in doing that, I was kind of able to nurture the art of singing. There’s a certain romantic thing about just singing for yourself and trying to entertain yourself and impress yourself. You’re your only listener, so you’re critiquing yourself sometimes to the upmost, I guess, unnecessary degree. I think too often, people get out there too early and they start performing when they’re not really ready and people start to critique them and they haven’t really even found themselves to even be critiqued yet. I think it’s good to really find out who your voice is and what you want to say before you go out there and let people start picking you apart.

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