David Lynch – HuffPost 3.23.11

Mike Ragogna: What is your advice for new artists?

David Lynch: Always the same. You never know what’s going to happen, you’ve just got to love the work, stay true to yourself and your own voice. Don’t compromise for the wrong reasons, don’t sell out, stay true to yourself and the music no matter what it is and hope for the best.

MR: What advice do you have for budding filmmakers?

DL: Same thing. Be true to yourself. You can never tell what’s going to happen. There are plenty of people with huge talent that just get red lights, there are people with not so much talent that get all greens. You just have to be true to yourself. Do the work. There is a Vedic expression–”Man has control of action alone, never the fruits of the action.” So, you can’t do much about it anyway, you finish your work, and just see what comes.

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