Dan Wilson – HuffPost 4.28.14

Mike Ragogna: What is your advice for new artists?

Dan Wilson: Well, if you want to be a songwriter, you have to write a lot of songs. And it doesn’t matter if they’re good or bad, you just have to write a lot of them. And pretty soon more of them will be good, and then you’ll get better and better. Don’t work on the same three or four songs for like four years. Write a song a week or a song a day. And then the second thing is, get in front of an audience as soon as you can and play your music for people. Because they’ll tell you, even without any words — you’ll know right away whether what you’re doing is good, and the audience will teach you everything. Don’t focus on getting your songs onto the playlists or laptops or phones of famous gatekeeper types. Get your songs in front of real people, audiences, as much as you can.

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