A Conversation with VideofyMe’s Oskar Glauser – HuffPost 7.25.12

Mike Ragogna: Oskar, please describe how VideofyMe functions?

Oskar Glauser: Videofyme is a complete service for creating videos using your phone or any camera and easily editing and sharing the videos with your audience wherever you are whenever you’d like. It’s all very easy and user friendly. If you are a fan of Instagram, you will love VideofyMe!

MR: How did you come up with the idea for VideofyMe and how long did it take for it to become a practical platform?

OG: Co-founder Robert Mellberg and I were experimenting with a video website where we created over a hundred short episodes on different subjects. We did a short video interview with the founders of Pirate Bay and when we syndicated that through a big torrent blog, we saw that the traffic boomed. We decided we needed to build the perfect tool to help monetize that traffic, so that’s what we did with VideofyMe. We worked with bloggers in Sweden for a couple of years with the first version of the service, but just recently released a much improved mobile app and started to work with creative people from various industries all around the world. Right now, we are challenging fashionistas worldwide to create inspiring fashion videos for a chance to win an all-expense-paid trip to Stockholm for the Mercedes- Benz Fashion Week in August – more info at http://www.videofymyfashion.tumblr.com. Until now, our main focus has been to get people in the fashion industry to start using our app, but we’re strategically moving towards other verticals such as music and sports.

MR: How do you compare this social media application with others who are similar — Social Cam, Viddy, YouTube…?

OG: VideofyMe is more focused on talented individuals with quality content and a story to tell. We also offer the option of adding ads to your videos and monetizing your content. The monetization part is really easy. Just switch it on in your profile settings and ads will be automatically added to your videos. You start making money once the first pre-roll is shown. We are very focused on showcasing VideofyMe as a video tool you can use anywhere — you can even share videos taken with the app on your YouTube account. We also have direct integration and plugins for blogs which makes it easier to publish videos with just one click.

MR: How user-friendly is the app and what is the potential for monetizing assets?

OG: VideofyMe is very easy to use and we’re constantly releasing updates to improve the app. Monetization is available for everyone with content that stick to our rules — 1. Create the content yourself, 2. Keep your clothes on, and 3. Be kind — and can easily be switched on and off manually. The amount of money you earn depends on the location of the viewer and the size of their audience.

MR: Which advertisers are currently involved with the site?

OG: We work with most of the big ad networks as well as directly with advertisers. Warner Music, EMI, MTV, Sony Pictures, Samsung and more have already begun working with us. We try to keep the ads short and relevant to the owner’s audience.

MR: What are the differences between uploading a video through the online platform versus using the app itself?

OG: The app itself contains filters and a simple video editing studio where you can combine multiple videos into one dynamic video. The app also creates a social community within itself with the ability to like and share other users videos.

MR: How do you see VideofyMe changing the current paradigm of video blogging?

OG: We are striving to make it really easy and fun for anyone to create great content, share it and monetize it. YouTube is also working in that direction, but we are more focused on the mobile sector and encouraging anyone with a smart phone to start video blogging.

MR: If I’m an unknown artist, what can I realistically expect in terms of monetizing my videos and how can I maximize them further?

OG: If you don’t have a big audience, you won’t be able to quit your day job, but it could be a good source of extra income. What’s more important is that with one click, you easily can share your videos across all your social networks, and in turn, build yet another network of followers within the application.

MR: What advice do you have for users who have never done video blogging before?

OG: Keep it simple and find your own unique style. Make shorter videos more often and then longer ones. Make sure you share your videos everywhere to help build your audience.

MR: What’s one of your favorite videos on the platform?

OG: One of my favorite videos actually comes from the Swedish pop-star, Coco. We worked with Coco and her team to help premiere her new music video through the platform earlier this spring.

MR: Is VideofyMe working on any new updates or features we should be aware of?

OG: We are constantly working to improve the service, but right now we are focused on bringing more of the social features that we have in the app to the web as well. You will soon be able to comment on videos, share across additional platforms and much more! Stay tuned!

Transcribed by Jena Vuylsteke

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