A Conversation with Ti Liptak – HuffPost 11.14.12

Mike Ragogna: What the heck is PeopleClaim?

Ti Liptak: PeopleClaim.com provides a remarkably simple, effective, and inexpensive way to settle disputes that everybody has, with anyone, anywhere, all online.

MR: Who would use your service?

TL: Everyone has disputes. What’s been missing is a better way to get them resolved.

MR: Traditionally, people go to lawyers although LegalZoom has rewritten the paradigm a bit. How does your company function or fit into the legal world?

TL: PeopleClaim removes the need for expensive lawyers or mediators and provides an unbiased way to get your complaints heard by the decision makers who can resolve your issue.

MR: How easy is it to use and how competitive is your pricing?

TL: It’s very inexpensive and all done through a simple online system. It’s free to file and premium options that help get claims resolved faster range from $3.00 to about $20.00. Unlike other dispute resolution sites, PeopleClaim accepts NO money from opposing parties so our users can rest assured that we have their best interest in mind. Companies using our site find that they can efficiently resolve their customer’s complaints and maintain a good online reputation. Users can get informed by viewing unresolved complaints to make purchasing and service decisions.

MR: How did PeopleClaim get to where it is now?

TL: PeopleClaim is a disruptive technology in an industry where we saw a change was needed, the 140 billion dollar a year legal system. Through our beta testing we have refined a solution that has been proven to work with thousands of real complaints.

MR: It’s automated, right?

TL: Yeah, we have developed an online system that is completely automated and works as advertised. Being automated it means claims can be resolved in as little as a few minutes.

MR: How are you different from other legal services?

TL: PeopleClaim is a completely online process. With us, there is no need to attend a court session, meet with a mediator, or send in forms. All you need is a computer with internet access.

MR: How quick is the turnaround?

TL: It’s fast. Instead of waiting months for a resolution, you can get it in days, even hours.

MR: Is it possible that a conflict of interest can arise from dealing with financial matters?

TL: PeopleClaim accepts NO money from opposing parties. Many other sites are funded by the companies, professionals, or individuals claimants are filing against. PeopleClaim only accepts a small fee for public posting from the claimant to remain unbiased.

MR: You also have the issue of public posting involved, right?

TL: PeopleClaim allows opposing parties to respond to a complaint and if it’s settled, the claim is removed from online posting. This provides incentive for opposing parties to work with the claimant to resolve the claim. Other sites post complaints but the opposing party can’t resolve the complaint and have it removed. The only claims that post publicly are claims that have been paid for. We have the claimants contact information, which provides accountability and maintains the quality of our database. Unlike sites where many of the reviews are purchased and/or submitted by friends of the company, PeopleClaim provides a real view of the companies complaint history.

MR: How can people research your company further?

TL: To learn more about the company, people should visit our website athttp://www.peopleclaim.com and also watch our video.

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