A Conversation with Oh Honey’s Mitchy Collins & Danielle Bouchard – HuffPost 5.9.14

Mike Ragogna: Your hit “Be Okay” was featured on the 100th episode of
Glee. That’s been quite a “little engine that could” story for your single, huh?

Mitchy Collins: That was definitely something I never thought I would see happen, Gleecovering a song from my band. Absolutely mental. Was such a surreal moment and they did an amazing job. We had a viewing party for it. Popped champagne and the whole bit. It was amazing!

Danielle Bouchard: I definitely had an “Oh my God!” moment when I got that email. My background is in theatre, so I’ve seen the show and adore Lea Michele as a performer. She and Naya did an amazing job with the song, and the response because of it has been amazing. Glee really helped us reach a lot of people, and we’re very thankful to them.

MR: For those who don’t know the story, what is the creative and now mythical origin of “Be Okay”?

MC: “Be Okay” is pretty much our bands mission statement. The song stemmed from a quote we love: “I don’t wanna spoil the ending for you, but everything is gonna be okay.” It’s the way we look at life and music and well everything in general. Life happens to everyone but it can’t rain forever. So don’t sweat the small stuff. We try to keep a positive outlook on things. Life is too short to be pissed off all the time.

DB: There are enough sad songs in the world. We like spreading a positive message, and we were excited to write a feel-good summer song that leaves people feeling hopeful.

MR: Your new EP, With Love, features “Be Okay” plus some more songs. Can you go over the other material?

MC: The other songs on the EP definitely keep the same vibe of uplifting optimistic positive tunes. A couple favorites of mine are “I Love You Will Still Sound the Same,” and we got to write that one with my best friend for his bride when he got married. It was definitely a special one. Also “Lonely Neighbor” that’s probably the most personal song on the EP for me. Sometimes it’s easier to put things in a song than getting the courage to say it to someone’s face. It’s about wanting to be with someone so bad…but knowing you may never be.

DB: We write what we know, and we try to stay as honest yet optimistic as possible. The songs cover every aspect of a relationship–being in love and wanting to spend your life with someone, to fighting to make something work, to wanting to be with someone you can’t be. We hope people can relate to the truthfulness of the lyrics.

MR: How did you both meet and eventually decide to be a recording duo?

MC: I met Danielle around the NYC scene probably about a year and a half before linking up musically. I had taken a break from doing artist stuff to be a songwriter/producer for a while, but then got the itch to try the artist side again. I have been in love with the idea of a boy/girl duo for as long as I can remember. There’s something so special about acts like Johnny Cash & June Carter and Sonny & Cher. I wanted to try that, so I had set out to start one. Had some song ideas I was toying with and an overall idea of what I wanted the band to be but needed that missing piece…my other half. Our mutual buddy kept telling me he had the girl for me but I was too stubborn to listen so he shut me up and sent me a voice note recording of Danielle singing “I Can’t Make You Love Me” by Bonnie Raitt and I fell in love with her voice. We met up a handful of days later and it all just clicked. We fell in musical love. And the rest is Oh Honey history.

DB: I knew Mitchy was starting the band and I really wanted to be involved. I was in Chicago rehearsing a play and staying with my friend when I got a call from our mutual friend that he needed a couple of voice notes asap. I actually kicked my friend’s family out of their own house and recorded a few things on my phone that day, and when I got back to the city, we met up in the studio and it all just kind of clicked.

MR: Will you be expanding your musical sights beyond what’s represented
on your With Love EP for your first album?

MC: I like to think as songwriters and people in general, we’re always growing. So that may come out on the full length, but Oh Honey is Oh Honey. We love the vibe we’ve created we feel good about it and love the music we create. I definitely think the full length will be in the same vain as the EP. Positive, fun, uplifting, honest as hell. I guess we’ll see!

DB: We are just trying to write good songs in an organic way and not have to force anything. We have a good idea of who we are as a band, but like Mitchy said, we are always growing and changing, so maybe that’ll create some new sounds– you never know!

MR: Danielle, how do you juggle the music and the acting?

DB: I spent a long time pursuing both acting and music. I moved to New York to go to Pace University and graduated with a BFA in Acting, then did the audition grind for a year before I linked up with Mitchy. Let me tell you, it’s a HUSTLE. I have so much respect for my friends who are out there auditioning and getting doors slammed in their faces every single day. Right now, I don’t have time to pursue both music and acting, but that’s totally okay. Singing is my heart and this band is my family and I love this crazy lifestyle. Maybe one day I’ll be able to have a career involving both. That’s the dream!

MR: Okay, traditional question. What advice do you have for new artists?

MC: First and foremost, it all comes down to great songs. Focus on that and you’ll always win. Besides that, social media is king right now. Surround yourself with people you can trust and who will be honest with you. But above all of that, NEVER GIVE UP if music is what you love, don’t let anyone tell you sh*t about giving up on it because they’re unhappy with their lives and gave up on their dreams. Keep the faith.

DB: Surround yourself with a supportive team of people. Collaborate with people you respect and trust. Write what you know, play everywhere you can. Social media is your best friend. Persevere no matter what. The most important thing I’ve learned is that you will hear “no” a thousand times before you hear “yes,” so if you truly want it, you have to keep fighting for it.

MR: Has Williamsburg yet shown its appreciation for two of its most creative denizens?

MC: Most of the people involved in initially starting up this band are from Williamsburg and Bushwick. All the studios and practice spaces we used, producers we worked with, photographers, videographers, etc. We also have a great group of friends in Brooklyn who are at every single show. We’re very lucky to be surrounded by such supportive people. We’ve actually only played one show in Williamsburg, but it was awesome! Hopefully, we’ll be playing there again soon. Williamsburg is our home. We love it and we love the people and our little family we’ve created. All love.

DB: My original hometown of Albany, NY has also been crazy supportive. I get a ton of posts on my Facebook wall every day from kids I went to high school with who heard our music somewhere and are super excited about it. The radio station I grew up listening to just added the song…it’s so surreal. It’s an amazing feeling knowing that people from home support and believe in you.

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