A Conversation with James Blunt – HuffPost 5.2.11

Mike Ragogna: James, “You’re Beautiful” became such a pop radio and television hit that here in the U.S., I believe we claim you as an American.

James Blunt: I’ve been welcomed into the States and it’s always fun to be here. I’ve actually started my U.S. tour for the next three weeks, so thanks for the invitation.

MR: Let’s talk about the tour for a bit. Where are you going on this tour?

JB: I’m just a singer so I don’t really know, I’m just told where we are and put together my setlist. My tour manager will say which city we are in.

MR: You also have a bunch of TV appearances that are coming up.

JB: I’m in Boston, New York, Philadelphia. Then, off to Ann Arbor, Chicago, Denver, LA, and Reno I think even. Also San Diego and then we finish in Seattle.

MR: I noticed there was no Fairfield, Iowa, on that list.

JB: I will get there eventually, but maybe not in these three weeks.

MR: (laughs) You’re also on tour with Christina Perri. Is there a synergy there? Are you a fan? Are you pals?

JB: I think she has a great song out at the moment, which I’ve heard, and we are label mates. So, I’ve asked her to come along and I’m going to meet her in a few hours for the first time. I’m now here in Atlanta at the start of the whole process, so for us, it will just be a fun experience. Hopefully music that relates to our audience will hopefully like both kinds. I also hear she is a really nice person.

MR: Me too. It’s nice to see you label mates are on the road together. What is your routine like?

JB: Ya know, I’m British, so I make sure I get enough alcohol and the rider says, “No food, just booze.”

MR: Good one.

JB: (laughs) We do a soundcheck, we do interviews, and then we do the concert. After the concert, we go backstage and we invite friends or family, whoever might be working in that city, to try and join us and socialize. Otherwise, we would have a lonely experience. I’m on the road for 13 months now. Since January, I’ve been in 84 different cities. Along the way, to make that sane, is to meet the people in each city and hang out with them and socialize. Then when we are drunk enough, we climb onto our bus and pass out there. Then, we wake up in a new city and do it all over again.

MR: (laughs) Okay, so what happens to your creative process when you’re on the road?

JB: I don’t write so much when I’m on the road. I may have one or two ideas, but I don’t focus on that so much. I’m really focusing on the concerts themselves and the live show. Then, what I did with this album, I went home to Ibitha, Spain, and I went and hung out with my friends. I forgot about the job of being a musician, but instead, filled up that well of inspiration by normal every day experiences like you would go through as well. I’m writing songs that make me feel something genuine and honest and, hopefully, that you can relate to.

MR: This may be a good time to introduce a broadcast journalism student, Mirjam Stüken, who has a couple of questions for you. Is that okay?

JB: Of course.

MS: Are there places that you particularly like to play at on this tour?

JB: We are playing all over the world, literally all over the world. Different experiences come from different places that remind of us certain things. Los Angeles…I recorded two albums there so I’ve got loads of friends down there. The new experience of the last tour was South America, which we’ve never been to. Wow, they have such passion for music. Also, some places along the way, like I played in Beirut in Lebanon. That is a place where there is such a mixture of cultures of Arab, Christian, and Jew, as well as the European meets that part of the world’s French influence on it. Yet, the audience had such passion for life and music, it was mind blowing. Then, you get some weird places too, like Kazakhstan, which was made famous by Borat, and don’t mention Borat to them because they get upset. As far as audiences go they were quite fun.

MR: What’s in world news that’s got your attention right now?

JB: The whole notion of the Arab spring is exciting. The fact that people are trying to find themselves the notion of a democracy, that they represent the country as themselves. Then again, when these things have fallen into violence and war, the scars of that last for generations and it’s desperately sad. To those people in those countries, I say find peace and stability with as little bloodshed as possible.

MS: I was wondering if you have been to Germany or want to go there because I am from Germany.

JB: I can tell that your surname is German. Which part of Germany are you from?

MS: I’m from close by Cologne.

JB: Which has one of the most amazing Cathedrals I’ve ever seen. One of the most amazing buildings on planet earth. Yeah I’ve just come back from Germany where I did 14 concerts in just over two weeks. I really enjoyed it, I actually lived in Germany for two years as a child as well.

MR: Have you been tempted to write about your travels?

JB: I think what goes on tour stays on tour.

MR: (laughs) But being as traveled and articulate as you are, I’m thinking you’d be great with observations on cultures, the state of the world, all that.

JB: Yeah, everyone has a book in them don’t they? Perhaps I will wait till I’m old and gray before I divulge all of the wrongs that I have collected along the way.

MR: (laughs) Have been writing songs, maybe looking towards the next album?

JB: Definitely not. I’ve been locked in a studio for just over a year, and then the album came out a month and a half ago here in the US. So, at the moment, the focus is really on the album. But as we go, we then put out singles for radio in order to advertise the album effectively. I’ve just spent a few days remixing and retuning a song of mine called, “I’ll Be Your Man,” which is going to come out here in the States.

MR: I imagine you are playing a majority of the new album on your tour, but what are some of the older songs your playing?

JB: I make sure I play songs from all three albums. I think the old adage of give them what they want is important. People have traveled the distance and paid good money, you don’t want to force your ego on them just by playing your new music. They want to hear the old stuff. Of course, I have songs like “Goodbye My Lover” and “You’re Beautiful” and “High” and “Wisemen” from my first album. I make sure I give a healthy mix.

MR: Do you prefer live over studio or studio over live?

JB: I like the change, having spent fourteen months in a studio with my producer who I love dearly, whose wife is probably jealous of the amount of time I’ve spent with him. Also, after that amount of time making something we love, it’s great to get out on the road and tour it.

MS: What is your favorite song to play?

JB: I have one called “Superstar” about a teenager that, every time he turns on the TV, he sees the reality TV shows about how fame and fortune are a measure of success. When he opens magazines, they tell him what clothes to wear and what music to like. Instead, he is saying, “I don’t want to be told who to be, I want to be an individual.” For me, it’s a great, fun song to play. There is another one on this album called “Turn Me On,” which my record company didn’t want me to put on the album because it’s dark and devious, yet it’s just great fun.

MR: What is your take on the popularity shows like American Idol and things like that?

JB: We have them in the UK and we used to have programs like Top Of The Pops, which let you play your music. They don’t exist anymore. Now, we have things like The X Factor, which allow us to play as musicians. I think it’s great TV and I think it gives some musicians a chance to play. I think it gives people a chance to live a dream and, for that, it’s very entertaining. There is another side that emphasizes too much, which is fortune and fame and being the stars and the heroes of the world. Let’s hope there is another show out there that balances and says, “You know what, while I’m here in this interview talking about myself, there is a real star saving someone’s life. Someone like a fireman or a doctor, or a teacher. Those for me are the real stars of the world.”

MR: Exactly, so true. James, do you have any advice for new artists?

JB: Well, in the same vein, when my dad was advising me about leaving my job in the army, he said, “Are you sure you want to become a musician because it’s really hard to be successful.” I said the success comes from how much pleasure I will get in it, not how far up on a chart I will get or how many units I sell. I think success should be measured in happiness, the friends that you have, and the smile on your face. If you want to be a musician, do it, love it, and live it. If you’re focusing on the music industry, get a good manager, let him or her take the harder work and don’t worry about it too much.

MR: Will you be doing a duet with Christina Perri on “Jar Of Hearts?”

JB: No, I’m not going to ruin her song for her. (laughs)

Transcribed By Theo Shier

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