A Conversation with Desert Noises’ Kyle Henderson, Tyler Osmond & Brennan Allen – HuffPost 6.11.14

Mike Ragogna: Your music has been described as being made for jumping in rivers, shouting in canyons and getting into a marital status with the road. If you could add to these three, what else would make the list?

Kyle Henderson: Good times with new friends, watching a storm, party party.

MR: How did this Utah conglomerate congeal?

KH: It was a long process that all started in the basement of my parents’ house. Through time and lineup changes, we ended up with the four of us. No one really knew much of each other when it all started but the road has made us a family. We are like brothers on a journey making the most of every situation.

MR: Tyler, are you truly an Osmond or did you just take on the name because of the magnificence of “One Bad Apple”?

Tyler Osmond: Hey man, sometimes you’ve gotta give it one more try before you give up on love!

MR: [laughs] Excellent. What kind of noises are in this desert and do any scare you or prevent you from sleeping at night?

KH: Rattlesnakes, man. Those things… scary stuff.

MR: What were some of the other names other than Desert Noises being bandied about before you?

KH: The other name we had before Desert Noises came was John Johnson and the Exotic Fish. The first bass player’s [Riley Johnson] dad was named John Johnson and he sold exotic fish for a living

MR: Okay, no one freak out with this question but it will be the elephant in the room if it isn’t asked. How related is the music you make and your religious convictions and how do they partner up, like during the creative process or mission statement or…?

KH: I think it has a big influence on us in the way that we grew up in it. It’s impossible to forget about something like that. It also taught us some important things about how to treat others and do the best you can at all times. Breaking out from that was difficult and not what everyone around us wanted but as time goes on they respect us for our decision and we respect them for believing in what they do.

MR: Do you guys get along on the road or do you just fight over what’s on Sirius/XM all the time? Are you all watching your diets? Any musical creativity happen in the vehicles?

KH: We get along really well. Like I said we are like brothers. Everyone has their bad days but that’s normal in human life. As for diets…we are trying but fast food just seems to be part of the job sometimes. You’re in a rush with no time and a Taco Bell comes up on the side of the road. so you take it. We’ve tried to write a bit in the van but it’s hard. We do much better when we can al set up and jam together.

MR: Now about the album 27 Ways. Can you name all of them? You can split them up amongst yourselves if you’d like.

Brennan Allen: I could name a few but it would be vastly inappropriate.

MR: What was the creative process like in the studio and with the songwriting?

KH: Usually, I will write a basic structure and the lyrics and bring it to everyone and we will get parts going and maybe switch things around and really dive into the song. But other times it just lands in a jam and happens in a flashing moment. In the studio, we all collaborate and make decisions as a group.

MR: Who’s the easiest going member of the group and who is the Prima Donna and how would you stereotype the remaining two?

TO: Well, we like to believe that Denzel Washington is our fifth member and he would definitely be the most Prima Donna/easiest going/bad ass of the band. No one else compares.. No one!!

MR: What’s all this recording and touring leading to ultimately for Desert Noises?

KH: Hopefully, it’s leading to us playing music until we are 80 years old. Touring as grandparents.

MR: What advice do you have for new artists and don’t screw around with this answer because there are many who will be doing EXACTLY what you suggest. No pressure or anything.

KH: Haha, my only real advice is to be honest and pour your heart into it. If you are being honest and trying with everything in you, something good will come. It may not be exactly what you thought or wanted but you will always be happy with your results and never regret the work you put in.

MR: After all the pressure of the road and recording and maintaining romantic relationships and parents’ expectations and the pressures of flossing and having to be well-groomed all the time, do you guys still even like each other?

KH: Well, we are never well-groomed. But we love each other. We like to have a good time and laugh. That’s the best part of life.

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