A Conversation with The Crystal’s La La Brooks

Mike Ragogna: Why do you think A Christmas Gift For You has become one of the most cherished holiday albums of all time?

La La Brooks: I think Phil loved Christmas. It was a special holiday for him. The music on the album was so commercial that it will last for all time. He made the arrangements very “hip.” He put an upbeat spin on some of the more traditional songs. This is the album which Mariah Carey copied when she did her Christmas album. Tommy Matola loved A Christmas Gift for You. A lot of those songs were for an older generation; Phil recorded his for all generations.

MR: What are your memories about recording the music, what was it like in the studio with the artists and all the musicians?

LB: It was great recording the music because the instrumentation was so good. With all those great musicians playing, it felt like it was Christmas in the studio. Phil was very crafty; he was a genius in producing this album and everything else I did with him. More than anything else, it was his genius which made the album such a success. Even when other artists from other labels began recording Christmas songs at that time, it was because of Phil’s album. His was really the first rock ‘n’ roll Christmas album. Lots of other rock ‘n’ roll artists began releasing these albums. Phil was the pioneer. Those other albums were not as good. Maybe a couple of good cuts on each of those records, but not a complete album of quality material. Years later, when I first heard Mariah Carey’s Christmas album, I knew she had copied Phil’s album. The sad thing is that the new generation will never know where it came from.

MR: How did you decide what songs to record?

LB: When it came to the music, Phil had full control over that. He was so savvy with music that whatever songs he chose for you to sing felt right. But I made none of the decisions. I was too young to even think about choosing songs for myself.

MR: What was it like hearing your song on the radio or on someone else’s record player for the first time?

LB: As a teenager, it was not so real for me until I kept hearing it on the radio. Then I thought, “This is my song!” But then it started to sink in. I was mainly concerned about calling my girlfriends so we could go jump rope. We used to challenge each other in jump-rope. It really started to become real for me when I had to leave my friends to go on the road. Then I would think about it.
MR: Do you find yourself playing this album for enjoyment around the holidays?

LB: Sure! As soon as the Christmas season comes around, I can’t wait to grab it!

MR: Can you believe it’s been 50 years?

LB: No, I can’t believe it’s been 50 years–sometimes I have to pinch myself. It feels like yesterday.

MR: La La, what’s your favorite track?

LB: My favorite song on the album that I did is “Santa Clause Is Coming to Town.” People like Bruce Springsteen and others have based their versions on mine.

MR: How do you think A Christmas Gift For You will be looked at 50 more years from now?

LB: I think it will have a greater impact. It’s like wine–it gets better with age. People will still be listening to it; I’m sure of that!

MR: What advice do you have for new artists?

LB: Don’t let show business fool you. Understand that it’s a job that’s not like other jobs and you can really be taken advantage of. It can make you change because of all the glitter. You have to stay grounded and know that all that glitters is not gold. And be aware that when your time is over, to know when to exit the stage gracefully. Never let show business make you lose your self-respect.

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