Colin Gilmore – HuffPost 9.25.13

Mike Ragogna: Colin, what advice do you have for new artists?

Colin Gilmore: Any advice I could give is going to sound really cliché but just remember that your job first is to make really good music and to make music that speaks to people and that really shines from the heart. What you’re worth is your direct connection with your fans, how you really touch them on stage or when you record or when you write a song, because it’s very easy to get caught up in thinking someone else is going to come in and make things work for you and really make things happen. It’s so different now than it was five years ago and it keeps changing. People always say, “Does your dad give you advice on the music industry,” and I’m just like, “My dad would be the last person to ask right now,” because he’s just focused on what he’s playing and what he’s writing and he’s not keeping up with how everything’s changing. Right now, everything’s just chaotic from my perspective. There’s nobody that you can go to and go, “Okay, what’s the next thing to do? What should I do for my career?” Anyone who claims to really know, five minutes later, goes, “Hmm, maybe I was wrong about that.” That’s a long-winded answer, but it’s almost like your job as a musician is to be a shaman or somebody that takes something purely from the spirit world and brings it into reality, and it’s probably going to sound weird at certain points. But a lot of what you think is weird at first is later on going to be the best thing out there.

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