August 18, 2014

No Clean Singing Releases “Knives In The Senate House”


No Clean Singing Premieres
“Knives In the Senate House” from Canadian Death Cult’s Dark Descent Debut

Dark Descent will soon release Deprived, the noxious debut album from Montreal death cult PHOBOCOSM, and No Clean Singing has already gotten in on the ground floor and posted an exclusive streaming track. As the publication notes, “The music creates an atmosphere of choking, poisonous miasma with bleak, ripping riffs that grind and vibrate as if emulating the super-heated process of radioactive decay. Huge bass and drum hammers punctuate the storming onslaught with concrete-splitting force, and a sinuous melody slithers through the toxic storm, giving the music character as well as a potent aura of dread and imminent destruction.”

No Clean Singing goes on to note that “Phobocosm are practicing a very dark art, one that displays mastery in the creation of both oppressive atmospherics and sensations of physically compulsive power.”

Deprived will see the light of day on September 30, 2014. The 8-song, 48-minute opus was mixed and mastered by Colin Marston (Gorguts, Dysrhythmia, Krallice) and features haunting artwork by Chimère Noire (Portal, Abyssal).

Montreal death metal cult Phobocosm came to life in January 2008 shortly after S.D. (guitars) and J.S.G (drums) left their previous band and joined up with vocalist and bassist E.B. and guitarist R.M. The founding members agreed on one thing when they formed Phobocosm: that the band’s sound would blend different styles of dark and extreme music, but keep its roots firmly planted in the “dark death metal” style with an old-school approach and incorporating a lot of elements from other dark styles of music such as doom metal, black metal and ambient.

Phobocosm’s music is comprised of an even mix of slow, mid-paced and fast parts with a strong focus on writing the darkest riffs possible in the realm of death metal.Each band member brings his own influences into the mix to make the band’s music as dark, atypical and original as possible. Immolation, Dead Congregation, Deathspell Omega, The Axis Of Perdition, Arkhon Infaustus, Hate Eternal, Incantation, Evoken, Ulcerate and Neurosis among others figure heavily into Phobocosm’s songcraft, but the final result is a beast of their own design. Live performances with bands like Incantation and at festivals like Rrroooaaarrr and Wings of Metal have only served as fuel for the fire.

The band will play two release shows with fellow Dark Descent bands Thantifaxath and Adversarial in Montreal on September 27th and in Toronto on October 4th.

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