Charlie Daniels – HuffPost 4.2.14

Mike Ragogna: Hey Charlie, what advice do you have for new artists?

Charlie Daniels: Are you speaking creatively or career-wise?

MR: However you look at that.

CD: Well, creatively, I think everybody’s talent, everybody’s ability, everybody’s approach is different. I’d first of all say be gentle with yourself in the learning process and the creative process. One of the main things that happens with people is we tend to get a little impatient and turn things in before they’re done. I had a very good teacher, Bob Johnston, the man who brought me to Nashville and put me on the demo sessions, the guy has meant so much in my whole career; he taught me very early on that there is a rhyme for every word, there is a melody for every lyric idea if you’re just willing to look hard enough for it. That’s the first thing, develop a work ethic where you don’t try to listen to a good song before it’s completely finished and be honest with yourself. If it’s not good, don’t tell yourself it is good, stay with it until it is.

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