Category Archives for "Wayne Coyne"

A Conversation with The Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne – HuffPost 8.23.13

Mike Ragogna: Hey Wayne, how are you doing? Wayne Coyne: I’m good. I’m gonna be sitting here doing some coloring and stuff while we speak, maybe some doodling. MR: Will this said coloring and doodling perhaps become the sequel to your current comic book, The Sun Is Sick? WC: Well, seeing how easily I set it […]

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Yet Another Conversation with The Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne – HuffPost 4.16.12

Mike Ragogna: Dude, when we get talking, it’s like an hour and a half later. Wayne Coyne:
 (laughs) MR:
 Wayne, the internet has to get popular someday, right? WC:
 Well, look, Mike, since this is supposed to be a short interview, if we start talking about the internet, this is going to turn into an epic weeklong […]

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A Conversation with The Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne – HuffPost 4.15.11

Mike Ragogna: Hey, it’s Wayne Coyne — master genius, lead vocalist, and experimenteurof The Flaming Lips. Wayne Coyne: Well, thank you Mike, now I don’t know what to say. I thought we’d (talk about) “She Don’t Use Jelly,” and you’d say, “Wayne, why’d you write such a silly song?” Now, I feel obligated to love you […]

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