Category Archives for "Peter Frampton"

A Conversation with Peter Frampton – HuffPost 6.18.14

Mike Ragogna: Peter, the last time we spoke, you mentioned you were about to score a ballet and now you’ve released Hummingbird In A Box, its companion album. What have the adventures been leading up to the ballet and this particular project?

Peter Frampton: It all started a few years ago when the Cincinnati Ballet asked if they could do choreography to four of my songs; three instrumentals from Fingerprints and then “Not Forgotten” from the Now album. I said yes, but then I got incredibly busy, was out-of-town, and never got a chance to see it. They sent me a DVD, so I finally did get to see it, and I was blown away with the choreography and dancing. Then Victoria Morgan and I got together at the headquarters to watch a rehearsal for a new performance they were going to be doing–I think it was Carmen at the time–and she asked if I would perform live on stage with my band, saying, “We’ve done this once before; we had a band onstage and we choreographed to their live music.” I said, “Yes, I’d love to do that.” There are three segments in the ballet, about 20-to-25-minutes each. I asked her, “So I let you know what music I do live and you choose the choreography?” She said yes, and I ended up writing the music for the middle 28 minutes, seven different pieces. They were floored that I would want to do that, but I did it. We performed with them in April of last year; three shows in Cincinnati at the Aronoff Center. We were on stage, Adam Hoagland was the choreographer, and the whole thing was just phenomenal. Then I went on tour with the Guitar Circus, and after finishing, they used the music for the Cincinnati Ballet at The Joyce Theater, a performance last week in New York. So when I got off the tour, I went into the studio and finished the tracks that we’d played live, and we heard the finished music playing live in Manhattan. Gordon Kennedy–who wrote the music with me–and I went up there and saw the first night, which was phenomenal. So that’s the genesis of the music, and of course the by-product of that is that the album’s going to be available on June 24th.

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A Conversation with Peter Frampton – HuffPost 10.25.12

Mike Ragogna: There’s a new DVD, Blu-ray and CD of a revisited Frampton Comes Alive!or rather FCA! with an exclamation point and we’ve got Peter Frampton here on Solar-Powered KRUU-FM, the only solar-powered station in the Midwest to prove it. Peter Frampton: Well, I do hope it doesn’t get cloudy while we’re doing the interview. Will the station […]

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A Conversation with Peter Frampton – HuffPost 6.6.11

Mike Ragogna: Peter! Peter Frampton: Hello. It’s me. MR: I’m happy you’re able to talk with me today. PF: No problem. We’re covering a lot of things with one conversation. MR: FYI, Thank You Mr Churchhill is probably my favorite album by you beyondFrampton Comes Alive! and your Frampton album. PF: Well, thank you. I appreciate that. MR: I love […]

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