Category Archives for "Entertainment Interviews"
Mike Ragogna: Hello, Thomas. Thomas Lauderdale: Hello, how are you? MR: Fine and you? TL: You know, I am a little disoriented as I just got off a plane and ended our three week East Coast tour, so I’m dizzy, in Portland, and walking the streets having meetings and thinking about the holidays that are […]
Continue readingMike Ragogna: It’s interesting to jump into this conversation with you because its not so much that you have a new album, but a new project. It’s a nice spin on the delivery of music. Can you go into a description of this whole “Capsule 2” concept? Ian Astbury: We wanted to release less music, […]
Continue readingMike Ragogna: John, how are you? John McCrea: I’m doing great. I just got home and it’s great to be home from being on the road. MR: You were on tour for a while? JM: Not for too long, but we just played a TV show last night, so I’m tired and really glad to […]
Continue readingMike Ragogna: Everybody knows Plain White T’s from “Hey There Delilah.” When you had that hit were you surprised at how big it was? Tom Higgenson: Of course, we’ve been a band for ten years before that song really blew up, so that was huge for us. I mean, even as big as that song […]
Continue readingMike Ragogna: Ryan, you have a new album called Heavy On The Vine that was produced by Martin Sexton, and this is your 6th album. Ryan Montbleau: Yeah. I started making records around 2002. I like to think they keep getting better. MR: What did Martin Sexton bring out in you? RM: Well, what was interesting was […]
Continue readingMike Ragogna: Hello, Zack. Zack Lopez: Hey how’s it going? MR: I hear good things about you. You are from Sacramento? ZL: Yes. We are both from Sacramento. MR: Yes. You and Sean Stockham, the drummer. You recently had a lot of airplay with a song called “New Low.” ZL: Right. They were playing it […]
Continue readingMike Ragogna: Hi, Shelby. Shelby Lynne: Hey. MR: Thank you for visiting solar-powered KRUU-FM here in the Midwest. SL: That’s pretty cool. Congratulations on a cool station! MR: Shelby, you have a new album called Merry Christmas. SL: Well, I did that in June, so it’s that old story about if you want to have a […]
Continue readingMike Ragogna: Hello Dave. Dave Matthews: Hey, how are you doing, Mike. MR: So you’re on tour with your buddy Tim Reynolds playing December 6th and 7th in Seattle. DM: Yeah. We have a couple of shows here in Seattle. That’s where I am now and then we go on from there and do a […]
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