Category Archives for "Journey’s Neal Schon & Jonathan Cain"

A Conversation with Neal Schon – HuffPost 7.7.14

Mike Ragogna: Neal, what is it creatively that satisfies you, playing solo or with Journey?

Neal Schon: Well, Journey is more about well-crafted songs and well recorded and produced songs, and I think that what I enjoy about my solo songs is that I’m sort of more of a painter with a blank canvas and a bunch of paints and materials to work with and I kind of throw everything on there and see how it lands. It’s more experimental, definitely. In Journey, we do experiment from time to time, usually when we’re all playing in a room, which doesn’t happen a lot. We were fortunate to get together at Fantasy this time. We were there for about three weeks rehearsing and recording and listening back to everything that we were doing. It helped us sort of hone in on our older songs. A lot of times, when you’ve played something for this many years, they drift. Everybody starts playing different things, you get bored, so we pulled everything back and now I think we’re having really great shows because of fine-tuning stuff like that again.

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A Conversation with Steve Miller and Journey’s Neal Schon & Jonathan Cain – HuffPost 5.12.14

Mike Ragogna: Journey and the Steve Miller Band recorded a few of the most popular albums ever made, especially Escape and Greatest Hits 1974-1978. And soon, you’ll be touring together with Tower Of Power. What is it about your bands that resonated with pop culture? Steve Miller: I think Journey and Tower Of Power and the Steve Miller […]

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