Category Archives for "John Wesley Harding (Wesley Stace)"

A Conversation with Wesley Stace – HuffPost 10.2.13

Mike Ragogna: Hi Wes. First off, you went from “John Wesley Harding” to your real name, Wesley Stace. Wesley Stace: That’s right, although I did start off as Wesley Stace in the first place. MR: What made you change your mind? WS: Well, a number of things, really, but I think the most important thing […]

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A Conversation with John Wesley Harding – HuffPost 10.28.11

Mike Ragogna: John, how are you? John Wesley Harding: I’m doing good, how are you doing? MR: Good, good. Now, as an author, you look at a work holistically, I imagine, the collection of its chapters. Did you take that approach to your new album, The Sound Of His Own Voice? JWH: That’s an interesting question. […]

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