Camper Van Beethoven’s David Lowery – HuffPost 1.18.13

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

David Lowery: Well, I teach at The University of Georgia the finance and economic part of the musical business, and we focus a lot on–really the one consistent thing between successful individuals or bands is that they produce lots and lots of songs and recordings. It’s kind of like a lottery, so the more times you record songs, the more times you write songs, and the more times you perform–really that’s the only thing that increases your chance of being successful. You still have to have your heart and your mind in the right place, but you’re going to fail a lot before you are actually successful. I know that sounds like totally generic advice, but I feel like everybody I know that is successful has that proper attitude and was willing to fail a whole lot before they succeeded.