Cage The Elephant’s Matt Schultz – HuffPost 9.23.13

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Matt Schultz: Just to pour your whole heart into your creative works. With each one of our records, we try to become more and more transparent and to hide less of ourselves with each song that we write and also to pour everything we have into it. Let go of this kind of romanticized rock ‘n’ roll fairytale and write songs for the sake of writing songs and for the art of it and the expression of it, and do it with everything you have. I come across a lot of kids who have big dreams and high hopes, but they’re not spending the time with it. If you look at some of the great composers throughout history like Bach or Mozart or Beethoven and you look at their history and just how immersed in music they were, it’s no wonder they wrote thousands of masterpieces; because they spent time with it.

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