Buzz Cason – HuffPost 6.18.14

Mike Ragogna: Do you have any advice for new artist?

Buzz Cason: Well, I think it’s such a wide-open field with so many multiple genres that you should just be true to yourself and do the music that you feel comfortable with and find people of a like mind with you, the ones with music you’re into and do your thing. It takes a lot of persistence, a lot of stick-to-it-iveness. Try your music out on people and play anywhere you can play to expose your music.

MR: What advice would you have given yourself as a new artist?

BC: Not that this is an ego thing or a selfish thing, but I think I would have been more satisfied and maybe even had a little more of a career as an artist had I focused on that. I went years without cutting any records for myself, just running the business and doing those sorts of things.

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