Buffalo Tom’s Bill Janovitz – HuffPost 4.8.11

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Bill Janovitz: Well, assuming they’re playing the same sort of thing that we’re playing and want to achieve what we’ve achieved it’s just–as so many people say–so much of it is just luck. We were able to hook up with the right people and get the right people to listen to out music. I think you’ve really got to hone it over years of playing live. Back then, we had friends that would jump to New York or L.A. thinking that was the place to get discovered. But it’s not about careerism–it’s sort of like playing the music that you love, and if you do that, everything else follows. You’ve got to sort of believe in the music more than worry about the career. It’s got to be about the art, man.


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