A Brendan Benson Interview – HuffPost 2.28.14

Mike Ragogna: Brendan, why did you start Readymade Records? What’s its history and who is on the roster?

Brendan Benson: We started Readymade because it just made sense. I’d put out 4 albums on as many labels not including The Raconteurs, which was also on a separate label, and it’s great to have some consistently and control over my career for the first time in over a decade. I’ve been lucky enough to produce some incredibly artists whom we’ve put out on the label including Cory Chisel & The Wandering Sons, The Howlin’ Brothers, Young Hines, Eric Burdon & The Greenhornes and The Lost Brothers.

MR: You released your album You Were Right in December through that imprint. How do you feel this benefits you and what might some challenges by?

BB: The benefits are that we make every decision and no one is telling me what to do creatively or artistically. The downside to some is that it is of course a ton of work; but we’re up for it.

MR: Which songs on You Were Right reflect your view of the things in general best and why?

BB: “Rejuvenate Me” and “Long Term Goal” sum up those sentiments well, as does the actual album title and title track.

MR: What’s your creative process for writing your own material?

BB: I’m constantly writing; there isn’t really a process around it. It haunts me sometimes! But it’s a great job to have and I’ve been doing more and more co-writes with other artists, which has been great.

MR: Looking at your own recording and live performance careers, what a couple of your favorite high points?

BB: A lot of it is kind of a blur but the recent Brendan Benson & Friends show we put on at The Ryman was definitely a highlight. It was a blast to get onstage with some of my favorite musicians and friends–Jack, Butch Walker, Jakob Dylan, Ricky Skaggs, etc. As well as sell the place out!

MR: How do you feel your show at Nashville’s Ryman on December 18 with artists such as Jack White, Jon Auer and Eric Burdon turned out? What were some of the highlights?

BB: Ha! Just answered that. The whole thing was a highlight. We’re working on releasing it in some form or another so hopefully, you can all experience the magic of that evening as well.

MR: You are also a respected producer and musician having worked with Eric Burdon, Cory Chisel, etc. Were there any of these artists whose works affected you more deeply than expected?

BB: Burdon for sure. He is such a resonating influence on a lot of us. It was really surreal to not only be in the same room as the guy behind The Animals, but also making music with him and producing. Cory is one of my closest friends and it turns out is an extremely talented artist all around. My relationship there is so natural, the music is a seamless byproduct.

MR: What’s your advice for new artists?

BB: Get a good team that you trust, be in the loop; but otherwise focus on the music as that’s the most important thing at the end of the day.

MR: What does the future look like for Brendan Benson?

BB: Good question! More producing I suppose and definitely spending as much time with my family as I can. We have two little ones and they are both a blast and a handful.

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