Blind Melon’s Christopher Thorn – HuffPost 4.24.13

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Christopher Thorn: It sounds so simple to say, but it’s totally true–you really just have to write a great song. You can be the world’s greatest guitar player, with the coolest scarf, best hat and greatest shoes, but in the end, if you don’t have a great song, no one cares. So my advice for anybody is really to write a great song. That is the most important thing. You have to write as many songs as you have to in order to hit that song that feels like magic. There’s really nothing else to do but to put the time in to write a really great song. You just hope you find your muse, and you hope that you’re able to find that little thing that makes a song live on and touch people. You’ve got to write a great song–it really is that simple.

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