Ben Folds – HuffPost 7.6.11

Mike Ragogna: You’ve already taken so many different creative approaches over the course of your career, what advice would you have for new artists?

Ben Ffolds: Same advice that I think would have been true as long as there have been artists at all–you put your craft and your art first, you learn as much as you can, and you keep striving to be better. I’m never comfortable with people in the studio or people that I work with who think that everything that they do is great…it always bothers me. I think we all ought to be trying to get better and that’s really the main thrust of it. I mean, all the stuff about the internet and how you’re going to get discovered, that’s going to change by the moment. I just think you do what you do. Music is to be shared–it’s generous–so, get out there and play shows, play gigs, and get your music out there. If it’s going to happen, it will happen, and if it’s not going to happen, then that’s okay too.

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