Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil – HuffPost 7.9.12

Mike Ragogna: What advice do you have for new artists?

Barry Mann: Cyn, you want to take that one?

Cynthia Weil: My advice for new artists would be in these days, you have to kind of learn how to do it all, and I’d suggest that new writers learn how to produce. Network really well. Think outside of the box.

MR: Nice. Barry, come on, chirp in!

BM: I can only give advice to songwriters, and Cynthia kind of covered that. Singers? That’s a whole other kind of ball game.

CW: (laughs) Find out who you are.

BM: Yeah. But most singers, they know.

CW: Real recording artists know who they are.

BM: Yeah, Lionel Richie knew who he was. He really did. Carole found out who she was with Tapestry, and she stuck to that. So I think Cynthia really basically answered the question.


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