Balthazar Getty – HuffPost 6.7.13

Mike Ragogna: Since we’re practically on the subject anyway, what advice do you have for new artists?

Balthazar Getty: I get this a lot. I get a lot of young actors that still come up to me and are still fans of me as an actor and say, “What should I do?” And musicians… I basically tell everybody the same thing, which is if you have an iPhone, you have an album, you have a film. There’s nothing stopping you from being creative. One thing that is really frustrating as a musician or an actor or just in many senses is you’re constantly auditioning for whomever and waiting for somebody to say, “Yes,” and then you’re just reacting. So I suggest that they write things and they produce things themselves and that they put them up. Give it to the people, let the people decide whether it’s good or not. Don’t wait around for the opportunity to come because years will go by and they won’t come. You really have to best it and you have to almost will these things to happen. You have to have the unwavering determination to make it happen. You’re always auditioning, whether you’re a band auditioning for a manager or an actor auditioning for a job. It’s always going to be part of the game, but I think we live in a time now where the playing field has kind of leveled out. If you have a good idea and a smart phone, you can go shoot and cut a thing and then when you’re going to present whatever that thing is, it’s not just a kid with an idea but, “I have an idea, I have a short film along with the idea, I’ve collected the music, there’s so much more we could do now.”

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